You think you may need marketing help, but don’t know who to turn to, a Chartered Marketer can be just that person you’re in search for. There are so many different forms of marketing, and a fiercely competitive market, which makes it even more tricky for small businesses to know who to trust for their marketing support.

But, how do you know what’s the difference between a marketer and a Chartered Marketer is. Here's a handy breakdown to help...
A marketer is someone who works in the field of marketing, they could be across a variety of techniques or specialists from social media, advertising, public relations, and events.
A Chartered Marketer is a marketer who has achieved the highest level of professional recognition in the field. Chartered marketers are certified by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), which is the world's leading professional marketing body. To become a Chartered Marketer, individuals must meet the CIM's rigorous standards of education, experience, and professional conduct.
Marketers may have a variety of educational backgrounds and levels of experience in their field, while Chartered Marketers must have a minimum of five years of marketing experience and have successfully completed the CIM's Chartered Marketer Assessment.
Chartered marketers are held to the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics. They are required to keep up-to-date on the latest marketing trends and best practices, and they are expected to act in the best interests of their clients and customers. Chartered marketers are also required to participate in continuing professional development (CPD), which helps them to maintain their skills and knowledge.
Let's break it down easier:
Feature | Marketer | Chartered Marketer |
Education | Varied | Minimum of five years of marketing experience and successful completion of the CIM's Chartered Marketer Assessment |
Experience | Varied | Minimum of five years of marketing experience |
Professional Conduct | Held to the standards of the organisation they work for | Held to the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics by the CIM |
So, if you’re a small business and in need of marketing help, a Chartered Marketer can be a great addition to provide that little piece of advice, knowhow and support to help make your business stand out.
There's so many brilliant marketers out there, it's such a brilliant industry to work in. I have personally been a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing since 2013 and achieved my Chartered Marketer status in 2020 after numerous years in the marketing industry and continual development. I'm proud to be a Chartered Marketer and work with so many small businesses to help them develop their marketing, who doesn't love a challenge! To find out a little more about my background, why not take a look at a little about me.